EDU566 Educational Ministries in the Local Church

Here is a  course that is designed to provide you with a closer look at what the Bible says about the nature and purpose of the local church. This study will help you to discover just how important the educational task of the church is, and just what a local church's educational ministries should be focused on. You will then be exposed to several practical principles and specific guidelines that will enable you to plan, organize, and evaluate a range of possible ministries for every age group in the church. You will also get a timely overview of the much overlooked need for teacher training that must take place if the church is going to be able to live up to the educational goals and purposes that Christ has commissioned it to fulfill.

The information you are exposed to in each module will help you to start reflecting on and evaluating the educational ministries in your own church or Christian organization. Is it achieving all that God has raised it up for? How can it become even more effective? Then the practical assignments given throughout the course will help you to be far more focused in applying what you have learned and help you come up with your own plan to strengthen the educational ministries that you are involved with. These assignments will also develop you for an even greater role in helping your church or Christian ministry have greater impact--all to the glory of our great God!